Commitment to Zero Safety Action Plan Survey Results

As part of the development of Commitment to Zero: An Action Plan for Safer Roads in Ocala Marion, the TPO conducted an online public survey from January 12, 2022 to July 1, 2022. The survey was conducted to solicit feedback from the public on issues associated with crashes and traffic safety concerns in the Ocala/Marion County community.  

A total of 196 participants completed the survey by answering questions and providing specific comments. The link below provides a summary of the survey results.

Additionally, the TPO made available to the public an interactive map for residents and visitors to comment on specific locations involving safety concerns in the community. A total of 35 locations were identified by participants with 9 additional comments to those respective locations.

Commitment to Zero Action Plan Public Survey Results

Transportation Disadvantaged “Let Your Voice Make A Difference” Survey Results

In August 2021, the TPO conducted a 30-day Public Survey soliciting feedback from the community and general public relating to Marion Transit services. The survey was presented online through the TPO website, on Survey Monkey and hard copies at the Ocala Public Library, Center for Independent Living and on Marion Transit buses. A total of 77 responses were received, 56 on Survey Monkey and 21 hard copies from the above mentioned sites. The link below provides the survey results summary along with responses for your information and awareness. All elements of the survey were used to assist with updating the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP).

Transportation Disadvantaged Survey Results

Congestion Management Plan Survey Results

The TPO conducted an online public survey from March 1 to March 31, 2021 to gather input from the public in support of the update to the Congestion Management Plan (CMP). The survey results were used to supplement and inform the technical analysis and improvement strategies. A total of 255 responses were submitted via the survey instrument on the TPO website. Additionally, 3 responses were sent to the TPO by email for a total of 258 survey participants. The link below summarizes the results of the survey.

CMP Survey Results