Traffic Counts

Story Map

Learn more about why traffic counts are collected, how they are used, and who is responsible for conducting counts in Marion County.

Interactive Traffic Count Dashboard

Locate traffic count data between 2019 - 2023 for count locations throughout Marion County.

2024 Traffic Counts Report

View most recent version of the Traffic Counts Manual published in 2024.

2023 Traffic Counts Report

View previous version of the Traffic Counts Manual published in 2023.

2022 Traffic Counts Report

View the previous version of the Traffic Count Manual published in 2022.

2021 Traffic Counts Report

View the previous version of the Traffic Count Manual, which includes data between 2016 and 2020.

2020 Traffic Counts Manual

View the previous version of the Traffic Count Manual, which includes data between 2015 and 2019

Safety Information

Commitment to Zero Dashboard

Locate crashes in Marion County from 2018 to 2022 and view crash locations and information by zooming in and out and selecting points on the map.

Commitment to Zero Annual Report

A 5-year snapshot of safety outcomes in Marion County and resource for citizens, elected leaders and public agencies with an interest in transportation safety trends.

Congestion Management

Congested Roadway Locations

In the CMP, roadways are identified as Not Congested, Approaching Congestion, Congested or Extremely Congested. To learn more about the CMP and view the current State of the System of congestion in Marion County, visit the TPO website under Plans and Programs and select the Congestion Management Process.

Congestion Management Plan Storymap

The Congestion Management Storymap will give a brief overview on congestion management including level of service and congested corridors in Marion County.

2023 State of the System Report

View the latest report on the Marion County's Congestion Management Plan - the 2023 State of the System Report.