The TPO is developing a new Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan called an Active Transportation Plan. Please visit the project page:


[Archived Plan]

Marion County is uniquely situated in the middle of an expansive multi-use trail network, anchored by the Coast-to-Coast Trail, Heart of Florida Loop and the Florida Greenway. In order to provide greater connectivity, recreational opportunities and economic benefits to the area, the Ocala-Marion TPO has developed the 2035 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The ultimate goal of the Master Plan is to plan for a network of sidewalks and bicycle facilities that provide a safe and efficient transportation network for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Plan outlines specific projects and policy recommendations to improve the safety and connectivity of non-motorized users within Marion County. The Plan acts as the vision for how the non-motorized transportation network in Marion County should look by 2035. These infrastructure and policy recommendations were created based on an analysis of the current infrastructure conditions and feedback received from stakeholders and the public.

2035 Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan 2035 Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan